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The Great Humanitarian Effort Of Manoor Talpur: A Scathing Recap Of The PPP Leader's Latest Action

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Manoor Talpur addressing the media

If your pet died and one person financed a funeral for it, while another person brought you a chain for your dead pet, it's clear whom you would appreciate more.

PPP leader, Manoor Talpur, has become well-known for his latest deed more than any other thing he has done in his life. Stealing funds meant for victims of devastation is a hobby of the old, the newest and boldest make a mockery out of these unfortunate souls by giving them each 50 rupees as relief. 50 rupees each to compensate for the losses of lives and houses and livelihoods. And what's more is that he thought it fit to record this 50 rupees distribution with cameras for the local news.

What he, for sure, deemed a generous act of charity has led to nationwide criticism and humiliation. I wonder, does he think the world unaware of his wealth and privilege, or is he simply daft enough to think that his action deserved praise and love?

50 rupees will not bring back their homes. 50 rupees will not restore their lives. 50 rupees will not fill their stomachs and quench their thirst.

These people have lost so much, that even if you were to give them vegetables and meat, they would not have the tools to make them edible, because everything is wet. You can't light a fire on wet land with wet wood. Children that left for school returned to see their houses under water and members of their families drowned. Can you imagine the horror?

The fact that people are calling this "Allah ka azaab" is obnoxious. Why were the poor and under privileged subject to this "azaab" and not the rich and arrogant politicians that are gaining and gaining from each misfortune that hits the people of Pakistan? Where did the millions that were sent to Pakistan for the flood-affected go? Or even the money received by Pakistan for any catastrophe that befell its people in the years prior?

People have retaliated by printing the People's Party leader's face onto 50 rupees notes, a taunting commemoration of his great humanitarian effort. They are rightly feeling offended by his patronisation, especially after seeing his videos on news channels that he himself had people release to benefit his own image.

When Manoor Talpur asks what sin he has committed by distributing 50 rupees, remind him of his properties and his loaded bank accounts. Remind him that not only has he not lost his home to a flood, and therefore does not know what it feels like to be ripped apart from his life like that, but that if he was ever in danger of such, he could leave the city, or the country, within a moment's notice, because that is his privilege.

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