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Youth Awareness in Pakistan: A Reflection

According to the UN Population Fund Report 2017, around 63 percent of Pakistan's population comprises of youth aged between 15 and 33. Having such large young population means more youth involvement in social, economic, and political sectors of the state. However, the situation in Pakistan is far from that. There is not only lack of youth participation in nation-building, but more than 85 percent of the Pakistani youth today is not wary of the issues their country faces. They are unaware of how nearly every occurrence that takes place in their country affects them directly or indirectly, and due to this absence of social conscience their attitudes are blithe and heedless towards state affairs of every kind.

Young people have a massive stake in decisions that shape the country. When young people participate in civic life, they can bring valuable perspectives to different issues and play an active role in shaping their future. It will not be wrong to mention, that in Pakistan, exploring personal experience has been neglected as an action fundamental to being and knowing. This neglect, however, can lead to a false fragmentation, since it is now understood that awareness, feeling and reasoning are very much interrelated. It is an undeniable fact that youth is one of the greatest assets Pakistan has which has the ability to skyrocket development and growth from the floor to the roof. The main concern, however, is that majority of the youth itself is oblivious to this fact, hence the higher-ups of our country continue to be unmindful and unbothered of the declining state Pakistan is in because they believe that Pakistanis are not really perceptive enough to demand answers.

Due to prejudice, there are many adverse opportunities and gaps caused by numerous factors, one of them being underrepresentation in civil affairs and politics, or marginalization. As a consequence, if some conscious young people dare speak up, too often their voices go unheard, civilian problems go unaddressed, and a vicious circle of disengagement and neglect perpetuates injustice. Conclusively, focusing on youth civic engagement is a critical task in the work to promote a more just and equitable society, but it's about time we start putting efforts and rise as a sophisticated youth, no matter how many obstacles stand in the way, because youth which is handled right, and guided right, has the potential to bring all the difference.

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